About AASC
AASC modern learning provider and developers where education meets the international standards provides equal access to quality education without discrimination based on race, gender, age, color, language, nationality, religion, public opinion, ethnicity, class, or any other form of discrimination.
AASC provides a wide range of services and products that prepare children for the future and qualify adults for a better future.
AASC provides WLS or the World Local School to prepare children for the future for free to age 12.
AASC offers a wide range of quality exclusive brand products
– ECFC or English Conversation for Communication
– WLS or World Local Services
– ATC or AASC Testing Center
– ARC or AASC Research Center
– MEWR or Modern Education’ World Reference
– AASC Factbook
– TAFL or Test of Arabic as a foreign language

AASC’s logo
AASC Modern Learning Provider and Developer logo is a solo eagle flying at night among the stars while everyone is asleep to represent its founder.